Bee-Wigged Blog Tour: A kinderview with Cece Bell

Welcome to Day 4 of Jerry Bee's big blog tour!  Jerry is the star of Cece Bell's latest picture book, Bee-Wigged (Candlewick, 2008). Oh, and he's an enormous bee who just wants to make friends.  That's where Wiglet comes in.

For this stop on the tour, we assembled a crack panel of kid readers, all of whom are in Bee-Wigged's 4 to 8-year-old target audience:  Leo (age 8), Milly (4), and their friends and fellow Bee-Wigged fans Graham (6) and Karina (4).  Cece graciously agreed to answer their questions about the making of the book (a toothbrush was involved!), Jerry's unusual size, Wiglet's nutritional needs, and more.  Bee-Wigged: The kinderview, below.