Gail Gauthier's Blog Tour, Day 1:

a%20girl%20a%20boy%20and%20three.jpgWelcome to the first stop on Gail Gauthier's blog tour!  Gail is celebrating the publication of her second book of Hannah and Brandon Stories, A Girl, a Boy, and Three Robbers (illustrated by Joe Cepeda; Putnam Juvenile, 2008).  The first, A Girl, a Boy, and a Monster Cat was recommended to me by Jen Robinson (at PBS Parents) when I was looking for a chapter book for my second-grader to read to his sister.  This tour is about chapter books in general as well as about Gail's latest book; in this interview, she answers my questions about what chapter books are (and are not) and some things to keep in mind when writing them.  [See interview here.]
